Friday, April 23, 2010


I'm curious to know, when are you happy?
Do you feel it in your life every day or is it reserved for special occasions?

I'll tell you what I noticed in my life. In the past, happiness was a feeling saved for special occasions. I felt it mostly when I went out with my friends or when something amazing happened to me. I was always looking for the next event or situation that would bring me happiness. I have since then come to understand that happiness is a feeling felt throughout our life journey. I realize how ordinary and overused this comment sounds but it must be said over and over to be understood and most importantly LIVED. Like anything else, living a HAPPY life takes effort, but it is well worth the dedication, energy and practice. Have you ever stopped to listen to the self-talk you have in your own head? That is the first step to happiness - listen to yourself. You will then realize how often you let yourself feel happiness. Humans are a tough breed - we are hard on ourselves, we demand more and more and forget to appreciate our lives, our friends, our situation and our possibilities.

Coaching sessions are perfect to help you realize your happiness, see it, appreciate it and see the opportunities it brings you. Have you ever heard the expression: "A happy mommy makes for a happy family"? That's because happiness is contagious: when you smile, people around you smile and when you laugh, people around you laugh. So with that logic, if you were to live your life in a happy state...who do you think would benefit from your new state of happiness? And for the purpose of taking it just a little further - think about what opportunities would come to you or would you then notice if you were living a happy life? Your mindset is a powerful tool!

If you are ready to shift your life or shift your business, then take the first step and call me for a free strategic exploration session. I look forward to talking to you.

1 comment:

  1. So there is truth to what Geoff says "a happy wife is a happy life" after all!! I'm a firm believer that happiness is a decision. That being said, I think there are many levels of happiness, including the feeling of being content. Happiness doesn't have to be associated with laughter, or social interaction, or any external influence. I find I often am happiest when I'm in a quiet moment with time to reflect on what I am truly grateful for in life.
