Wednesday, June 30, 2010

An Exercise to Add Time to Your Day

When I meet with clients there is a recurring topic in our conversations: the desire to have more time. Be it time with the kids, time with the spouse, time to work on the business, time to organize the house, time to exercise or time to relax.

How is time being spent? What makes it so difficult to get it all accomplished? The answer is in the question. How are you spending your time? Find out by analysing what you are doing with your time and compare it to what you would like to be doing.

Try this exercise as a way to awaken your consciousness to how you are spending your time.

Write down everything that you do from the moment you wake up to the moment you go to bed for one week. At the end of the week, analyse your time log. It will help you see how your time is being spent, you will then start noticing time that is being misused or wasted. Look for the tasks that you could be delegating, sharing or postponing.

After analysing your tasks and deciding which ones must be done by you, prioritize them by rate of importance. Which ones are urgent and must be done immediately, which ones must be done today and tomorrow and so forth and do the same priorities exercise for each day. Make sure you add to your priority list all of the tasks that you may not be presently doing but would want to do. By doing this you will notice how you suddenly have more time to do everything that you wanted or needed to do.

The best way to stop being overwhelmed is to schedule a time and date for all that needs to be done. Once it is on paper it is out of your head, allowing you to think more clearly and better perform on your other tasks and enjoy the present moment. You no longer need to worry about what you have to do since you have scheduled a time for each one of your tasks.

We often search for time to share with our family, our friends and even ourselves, unfortunately, our schedules don’t always permit for a lot of free time. So schedule a specific time with the ones you want to see, even if it is short, even if it just for one hour before bed, what is important is that during that time you are completely involved in being with them, be present in that moment, don’t try to multi-task, like emailing or making quick calls, reserve that time for them and you. Remember in this case quality is better than quantity.

So remember, set a time for each one of your activities, get those tasks out of your head and on paper, be completely present during each task or activity, delegate what you can, ask for support and prioritize what only you can do.

If you would like to receive help with prioritizing your life or your business, please contact me at or 450-458-4341. Let’s bring your life and your business to its highest success.

Gaby Da Silva
Professional Life and Business Coach.