Thursday, October 28, 2010

The opposite of being overwhelmed is being happy

We all know what being overwhelmed feels like. For some, being overwhelmed has become so entrenched in their life that they no longer identify it as stress or being overwhelmed, but simply cave in to the old saying: “that’s life!”. Unfortunately not calling it stress doesn’t dissolve its consequences. The consequences of stress come at different levels: cognitively, emotionally, physically and even behaviourally.

Some of the symptoms of being overwhelmed or stress are moodiness, irritability, inability to concentrate, sense of loneliness, general unhappiness, anxious or racing thoughts and possibly physical pain or discomfort such as intestinal problems, nausea, dizziness, loss of sex drive and frequent colds.

You know you are overwhelmed when you are feeling some or all of these symptoms at the same time, when you feel others have a hard time understanding what you are going through or simply, you know that the way you are presently acting, the life you are presently living is not your real self or the life you want to be in – you know it could and should be better.

There is more to overcoming feeling overwhelmed than learning to be calm and organized. Consider this, the opposite of being overwhelmed is not being calm but being happy. This is the most effective way to regain control of your life. There are actions that should be taken right away to overcome stress, such as exercising, adequate sleep and controlled breathing but to truly regain control of your life, deeper, more meaningful work must be done. You need to live an authentic life; the life that you truly want to be living.

Let me explain. Think of the worst possible task you could be asked to complete, now imagine performing that task all week long. How would you feel at the end of that day? Now think of the best possible task that you can imagine, how would you feel at the end of the week if you spent all week performing such a task? It’s common sense, but too many of us have put our desires, our needs and what is of most importance to us on the back burner. We put our family’s needs and work’s needs ahead of us. We don’t have to choose between work, family or ourselves. Our life is meant to be lived harmoniously in every area. We just need to learn how, commit to being honest with ourselves and commit to taking the steps required to unfold our best life.

Gaby Da Silva is a professional Life and Business Coach. She educates, empowers and supports women to achieve success, growth and live their life to the fullest.

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